Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Control GPIOs of NodeMCU (ESP8266) with ESP8266 core for Arduino, to read Buttons and write LEDs

This example show how to read input (D5, D6 & D7) from buttons, and write output (D0, D1 & D2) to LEDs accordingly. For the input, all set INPUT_PULLUP to enable internal pull-up resistor, so no external resistors needed.


NodeMCU IO index vs ESP8266 pin
IO index  ESP8266 pin
    0     [*] GPIO16
    1     GPIO5 
    2     GPIO4 
    3     GPIO0
    4     GPIO2
    5     GPIO14  
    6     GPIO12
    7     GPIO13
    8     GPIO15
    9     GPIO3
    10    GPIO1
    11    GPIO9
    12    GPIO10
[*] D0(GPIO16) can only be used as gpio read/write. 
No support for open-drain/interrupt/pwm/i2c/ow.
void setup() {
  pinMode(D0, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(D5, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(D6, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(D7, INPUT_PULLUP);

// the loop function runs over and over again forever
void loop() {
    digitalWrite(D0, LOW);
    digitalWrite(D0, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(D1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(D1, HIGH);

    digitalWrite(D2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(D2, HIGH);


Usage of GPIO:
At the beginning, I want to use D6, D7 and D8 as input. But D8 always return LOW. After googled and found schematic diagram of NodeMCU DevKit v1.0 here: https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-devkit-v1.0/blob/master/NODEMCU_DEVKIT_V1.0.PDF. It's found that GPIO15 (D8) connect to GND via a resistor, so always return LOW.

And MATTERS NEEDING ATTENTION can be found in the schematic diagram:
On every boot/reset/wakeup, GPIO15 MUST keep LOW, GPIO2 MUST keep HIGH. 
When you need to use the sleep mode, GPIO16 and RST should be connected, and GPIO16 will output LOW to reset the system at the time of wakeup.

So, I change using D5.

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